
The life of a chef or a cook is a paranoid schizophrenic frenzy of multitasking. Cooking an egg while toasting a piece of bread, grilling 5 burgers to med-well, 10 to medium, 2 to med-rare, and 1 to black and blue, 1 ticket reading: (LTO) Lettuce, Tomato, Onion: no onion, extra tomato, light lettuce. 2. Bacon Cheeseburger, no bacon, sub cheddar cheese for Swiss cheese, do you have ham? 3. Gluten allergy burger served on single leaf of lettuce, cold if possible, do not wilt my lettuce… All this shit happens in under 5 minutes… How much do you get paid an hour? Do you feel like your brain is gonna explode? Do you feel like your body doesn’t wanna take it anymore? Fucking quit.

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